HR Future

Telephone: +27 11 888 8914
Fax: +27 11 782 5160
Postal Address: PO Box 1149, Northcliff, 2115
HR Future
HR Future magazine gives you strategic insights no-one else has

If you’re an Executive, HR Professional or Line Manager responsible for managing people and implementing people strategies in your organisation, you need a trusted adviser with your best interests at heart – an adviser that provides you with key insights that will help you make astute strategic and operational decisions that put you and your company or team ahead of the game.

For the past 20 years, HR Future magazine has been the trusted source of advice, insights and tips for Executives, HR Professionals and Line Managers both locally and abroad, helping them prepare for the Future of Work.

In addition, 25 local universities and 91 universities in 46 countries around the world (including some of the most prestigious research universities) also use HR Future’s content to guide and inform their thinking.

In every monthly issue of our digital magazine, our thought leader contributors from South Africa and around the world provide our subscribers with that one thing they need in order to be considered an expert – knowledge others don’t have.

And to support our subscribers between each monthly issue, HR Future’s weekly email newsletters provide quick updates, opinions, tips and advice to leaders and managers to help them create value through their people
Contact People
Please feel free to contact us for further information:
Alan Hosking (Publisher)
Telephone: +27 11 888-8914
Fax: +27 11 782-5160
E-mail: Send me an e-mail

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