Leader.co.za Newsletter
A big welcome to those who connected with us at Leaderex and have joined the Leader.co.za community, which now has 62 000 subscribers.

The rewards of CEO reflection

CEOs live on a nonstop treadmill. They are under constant pressure to perform and face a 24-7 spotlight of dizzying social-media attention.

Transient advantage isn’t going away – how AI can help

We need to be building systems capable of coping with transient advantage. Here are some ways AI can help.

We have lift-off! Dubai gets ready for flying taxis

A new LBS case study by Aharon Cohen Mohliver traces the development of eVTOL technology and its promise in combatting carbon emissions and pollution.

What’s next for Generative AI?

After decades of development in artificial intelligence, generative AI (GenAI) seemingly burst onto the scene not so long ago. The path ahead, in contrast, is likely to be a slow ascent rather than a big leap forward, say INSEAD professors.

Use this 3-step approach to give better negative feedback

If you want your feedback to make a difference, focus on reducing feelings of threat.

Striking a deal to avoid the retrenchment process?

May an employer approach employees informally and strike a deal by signing a mutual separation agreement, thereby avoiding the legal technicalities of the LRA?

Flex your multi-cultural intelligence

Leaders in society and business face decisions every day: tensions and dilemmas they must acknowledge and solve

Create authentic connections with virtual team members

Four years after the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated remote work, its advantages and drawbacks have been well-documented. For leaders, the biggest hurdles have remained constant: building employee engagement, trust, and communication.


» 15 Oct: Leading in Africa: Guiding the continent’s narrative...
» 16 Oct: UCT GSB EMBA Information Sessions
» 23 Oct: Cybersecurity as a Business Imperative
» 30 Oct: Henley MBA Information Session
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