| A big welcome to those who connected with us at Leaderex and have joined the Leader.co.za community, which now has 62 000 subscribers. |
| |  CEOs live on a nonstop treadmill. They are under constant pressure to perform and face a 24-7 spotlight of dizzying social-media attention. |
| |  We need to be building systems capable of coping with transient advantage. Here are some ways AI can help. |
| |  A new LBS case study by Aharon Cohen Mohliver traces the development of eVTOL technology and its promise in combatting carbon emissions and pollution. |
| |  After decades of development in artificial intelligence, generative AI (GenAI) seemingly burst onto the scene not so long ago. The path ahead, in contrast, is likely to be a slow ascent rather than a big leap forward, say INSEAD professors. |
| |  If you want your feedback to make a difference, focus on reducing feelings of threat. |
| |  May an employer approach employees informally and strike a deal by signing a mutual separation agreement, thereby avoiding the legal technicalities of the LRA? |
| |  Leaders in society and business face decisions every day: tensions and dilemmas they must acknowledge and solve |
| |  Four years after the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated remote work, its advantages and drawbacks have been well-documented. For leaders, the biggest hurdles have remained constant: building employee engagement, trust, and communication. |