| |  Technology might enable digital transformation, but the secret sauce lies in strategic, courageous and resilient leadership with an appetite for possibilities. |
| |  With many predicting that the AI revolution will democratise access to expertise, what changes might we expect? |
| |  A year after generative AI tools were unleashed, the world is adapting to, but also grappling with, a technology that humanity still thinks it can control. |
| |  We’re headed for a future of AI-generated garbage patches. |
| |  Teams with clear goals, values, rules, roles and processes, backed by full individual commitment, are primed for peak performance. |
| |  A ‘zero-tolerance’ approach towards employees who are under the influence of alcohol and other intoxicating substances is a fairly common phenomenon in the workplace. |
| |  IESE Profs. Javier Diaz Gimenez and Pedro Videla discuss different ways to tackle inflation and bring down public debt in a world fraught with geopolitical tensions. |