Leader.co.za - Management, Training and Career Advice for Business Leaders

Tom Peters Company

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Latest Features
05 MAY 2020

46 strategies for dealing with gut-wrenching downturns

Unprecedented times. We've seen nothing like this before. The last time things felt out of control was the Great Recession.
30 JANUARY 2016

Innovation is Strategy

A strategy and culture must be created to cope with the pace of change bearing down on us,
06 APRIL 2013

Love office politics

Tom Peters suggests that you should love office politics, but don't lose sight of the big questions, like "Why am I here?"
26 APRIL 2012

Advice, for what it's worth...

Tom Peters was asked to contribute (a very few words) to a family page offering words of wisdom to a graduating high school senior.
01 MARCH 2012

Forget overnight success and learn to be persistent

Overnight success is one of the most widely held beliefs in the business world. It's also hugely misleading, and adopting this idea could actually be quite damaging for your career and life.
31 JANUARY 2011

Strategy: Kindness is free

Tom Peters uses a surprising example from the healthcare industry to highlight the kind of impact kindness can have, without any financial investment.
01 OCTOBER 2010

Strategy: War on systems

Every organisation with more than one person - maybe even with one person - has got to have systems of some sort. And then as the place grows, the systems get more and more elaborated and eventually they strangle you like vines.
30 JULY 2010

What happens when you treat your employees like customers?

A funny thing that wasn’t particularly funny happened in, I think it was April or March of 2008.
02 JULY 2010

Strategy: The power of "I’m Sorry"

Human beings want to be acknowledged. They want you to acknowledge the problem.
30 APRIL 2010

Strategy: Be extraordinary

Ho-hum or pretty ordinary may well be worse than awful.

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