Latest Features
07 OCTOBER 2024
Four years after the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated remote work, its advantages and drawbacks have been well-documented. For leaders, the biggest hurdles have remained constant: building employee engagement, trust, and communication.
07 MAY 2024
Brands pay millions for mega-influencer endorsements, but new research from Wharton’s Ryan Dew and Raghuram Iyengar finds having more followers doesn't always yield the biggest bang for the buck.
01 APRIL 2024
With AI moving at breakneck speed, senior executives need to understand the new realities of intellectual property and patents, write Wharton's Scott Snyder and co-author Mark Pecen.
01 APRIL 2024
Breaking down big work goals into smaller components can enhance long-term success significantly, Wharton research shows.
29 FEBRUARY 2024
The success of your business depends on many factors, but arguably none matters more than the talent and performance of your workforce.
07 AUGUST 2023
As voice assist becomes more common, how does it affect the way consumers search for products online? Wharton’s Shiri Melumad has the answer in her latest paper, which looks at the difference between spoken and typed search queries.
05 JUNE 2023
Wharton’s Barbara Kahn analyses the downfall of Bed Bath & Beyond, which went from dominating the housewares market to filing for bankruptcy.
01 MAY 2023
How "vicarious learning" can prepare you and your team to weather any crisis.
04 APRIL 2023
Wharton’s Tom Robertson explains livestream commerce, one of the hottest trends in digital sales. There are great benefits to using the medium, but only if retailers can get it right.
03 APRIL 2023
Reconciling previously contradictory results, researchers from Wharton and Princeton find a steady association between larger incomes and greater happiness for most people but a rise and plateau for an unhappy minority.