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Latest Features
29 FEBRUARY 2024

Disciplinary and criminal proceedings

A case of serious misconduct may also amount to a criminal offence. Does the employer have to wait until the disciplinary proceedings have run their course before laying a criminal charge?
05 DECEMBER 2022

Dagga in the workplace - more clarity

The possession and use of dagga for private purposes may no longer be a criminal offence, but to what extent may employers control employees’ habits in the workplace?
03 OCTOBER 2022

Dismissal after reaching retirement age

It is fairly common practice to allow employees to work beyond their retirement age. But what if such employees want to hang on to their job indefinitely?
30 AUGUST 2021

Mandatory vaccination in the workplace

Employers who intend to make vaccination mandatory may face an uphill battle.
06 FEBRUARY 2017

Dismissal for ill health

A distinction must be drawn between temporary and permanent incapacity as a result of ill health.
30 MARCH 2016

Are volunteers protected?

The assumption is often made that people who do volunteer work are not employees. They are appointed informally and their services are terminated without giving thought to consequences. But are volunteers protected by labour legislation?
31 JANUARY 2016

Do employers need lawyers to draft disciplinary notices?

Drafting a proper disciplinary notice can be frustrating. Many employers would simply pass the responsibility to external advisors. But is that necessary?
04 JULY 2015

Employer rights: Pregnancy and maternity leave

Does a job applicant need to disclose her pregnancy status to an employer? May an employer take disciplinary action against an employee who, at the time of appointment, failed to disclose her pregnancy?
06 JUNE 2015

Insolence and insubordination – what is the difference?

The workplace is not a democracy. One of the implied terms of the contract of employment is that of subordination – the employee has to submit to the authority of the employer provided this is exercised lawfully and reasonably.
01 MAY 2015

The importance of skills development and the new BBBEE codes

How will an organisation’s upcoming skills development submission impact on its future BBBEE ratings and what steps can be taken to maximise their scores in this element?

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